Alverton School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. To achieve our commitment, we will ensure the continuous development of robust safeguarding processes and procedures that promote a culture of safeguarding amongst our staff and volunteers.

Puffins - Mrs Hughes and Mrs Hanley. Please read every day! :)

Hi Puffins!       Cartoon Puffin High Res Stock Images | Shutterstock      


Tuesday 20th July 2021.

Good morning!

I hope you have all received the invite for the zoom meeting. Lots of you have been writing invites and making cakes for your picnic. I hope your teddys are getting ready too - mine is. See the picture below. Ted has had a bath and has been chilling in the garden enjoying the sunshine.


Please make sure your child is ready for the zoom and they have a memory share. They can choose anything from the year. Was it art, drawing, making Lorax houses, reading, maths, Jedi badges, writing about Fox, time in the woods, sports day, our trip to the beach or the Minack performance? 

On a Zoom meeting it useful to be on mute until it is your time to speak. I will ask one child at a time to introduce their teddy and then share their memory. Thank you.


To find the activities go to the Key Stage 1 daily planning page for details or follow the link below!

Stay safe and happy!



Smiley face emoticons “save people energy” - Energy Live News

Mrs H and H.
Zoom meeting Wednesday.
I have sent everyone an email with the invite details in but just incase it doesn't get to you for any reason here is the information below.

Topic: Mrs Hughes' Zoom Meeting
Time: Jul 21, 2021 10:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

You will need to email me for the password.

Below are some safety tips:

Internet Safety - Videocalling


Safety tips for kids using ANY video-calling app


  • Don’t do or say anything you’ll regret later - or wouldn’t be happy to be made public. Hosts can and do record and save videos of meetings.
  • Never share meeting invitations with others.
  • Never accept a request to join a meeting from someone you don’t actually know.
  • Always leave personal details out of your profile.
  • If in doubt, leave the chat and tell a trusted adult.


And for mums and dads …


  • Check all App’s privacy settings. You might be surprised at some of the defaults.
  • Monitor your child’s video chats. That doesn’t mean hovering over their shoulder all day - but it does mean keeping an eye and an ear out at frequent intervals.
  • Keep all devices out of bedrooms.